Dangers of poorly done Electrical Installation of Apartment Complex
How an audit before takeover helps the RWA (Resident Welfare Association)
This is a continuation of an earlier article A guide to Apartment Owners Association Also known as Residents’ Welfare Associations or Building Society
Electrical work of an Apartment complex if not done with care and to the specifications can result in frequent failures calling for repairs and not to mention the shock and fire hazard jeopardising the safety of occupants.
In our vast experience of helping the RWAs in proper takeover, shared below are some of the actual cases we came across and pointed out

In the Electrical Stater Panel, Y Phase of cable is connected to R phase of Panel and R Phase of cable is connected to B phase of panel.
Wrong connection is very dangerous leading to fires 🔥🔥🔥 and worse in some cases — fatalities.

Cable dressing not done properly at Lift control panel.
Nobody looks into it regularly and Lifts could malfunction because of bad wiring thus endangering the lives of passengers.

Oils and flammable articles stored in Electrical panel room
They not only obstruct the movement in emergencies but also pose serious fire hazard when spilled or in electrical short circuits.

Labeling is not done in the panel for the Circuit breakers and Meter.
Without labeling , it will be confusing for the maintenance work and also will cause panic during emergencies by wrong one being operated.

Cable jointing is done without cable jointing kit and Jointed cable is lying on the ground; this needs to be buried underground.
This negligence will be a shock hazard for occupants as water will enter the joint and can be fatal.

Cable gland earthing not done at the Diesel Generator body.
This minor negligence will be a shock hazard for the operator and people touching the Generator Set and can be fatal

Inside the shaft, Cabling & Conduiting done in a haphazard manner with out respect for proper procedures and standards.
This again causes confusions during repairs and maintenance work. Also could be reason for short circuits and resultant fires.
Electrical installations at apartment complex need to be checked by experienced professionals before taking over from the builder by the associations to avoid endangering the occupants and also avoid costly repairs after taking over.
We can help you save on future maintenance costs also. Get in touch with us today at getNemmadi@nemmadi.in